Monday, April 20, 2009

Creating a VCD on Windows with free software!

Creating a VCD for free is a labor intensive process. There are countless products which cost money that claim to be "FREE" and in fact, are not. It's a minefield. Anyway, there are various ways of creating VCDs for free, this is the easiest I can find.

First convert the file to mpeg1 VCD compatible with SUPER:

Then package the mpeg you just created into a VCD format you can burn to disc (.bin and .cue files) with VCDImagerGUI:

Then burn the VCD (in the .bin and .cue files) to disc using ImgBurn:

Works great.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Install Camfrog Server on Ubuntu Linux 8.10

Camfrog doesn't offer a Ubuntu version of their product, so here's a guide in getting it to work for Ubuntu 8.10.

  1. Download the RPM here:

  2. Install alien: sudo apt-get install alien

  3. Install apt-get install lib32stdc++6

  4. Change directory to the file you downloaded from CamFrog and type: alien camfrog_x.xx.rpm

  5. Now install the .deb package: dpkg -i camfrogserver_4.2-2_all.deb

  6. Now just configure according to the instructions in the manual: man camfrogserver.conf

  7. You may want to delete /etc/rc.d/init.d/camfrogserver since it won't work under Ubuntu.